Around Dutchland, September, 2007

by Penny Pyrbred

The humans are still behind with the newsletter, as this was supposed to be the July issue. Since our last issue we have had a workshop on Rally Obedience and a very well-attended Pyrenean Fun Day featuring the return of the Fun Match. We also welcome Willow Trent as our new foreign correspondent from New Zealand.

Penny missed the Rally-O event but hears that it was a lot of fun and Pyrs are learning to enjoy this laid back form of obedience.

Pyrenean Fun Day was one of the best attended events in recent years with moderate weather, although still a bit warm for those of us in fur coats. There was the usual sumptuous feast for people and Pyrs, followed by a very casual Fun Match.

Dianne Migas presided with Barb Bowes serving as Judge. Sam Garces took Best Adult Dog, Cecily Heckman took Best Puppy, and Bonnie Skorup took Best Adult Bitch and Best in Match. Great fun was had by all!

Judge Barb Bowes congratulates
Bonnie and Judy Skorup.

Coming up is the Penn-Dutch Regional at Macungie Park on Sat., Sept. 15th. Check the Club web page for ring times and join us at the pavilion for a picnic after the judging. Penny encourages everyone to come out and support our show Pyrs. On Sat., Sept. 22nd we need people and Pyrs to staff a booth at a new "Meet the Breed" event from 10 am-2 pm in Quakertown. If you can help out, please contact Judy Skorup at See you soon.

Montana, Joe and Ellie Bezotsky
on vacation at Beartooth Pass.

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