Penn-Dutch Great Pyrenees ClubApplication for Membership |
Please answer all questions as fully as possible. The needs,
interests, and experiences of our members serve as the
guidelines for our activities. Please use a separate
application for each family member applying.
NAME: _____________________________ DATE: __________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________
HOME PHONE #: ________________ WORK PHONE #:________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS: _______________________________________________
Do you own a Great Pyrenees? Yes ___ No ___
Year lst Pyr acquired: ___________
Where did you acquire your Pyr(s)? ____________________________
# of males you currently own: __ # neutered:__ Age(s):_______
# of females you currently own: __ # spayed:__ Age(s):_______
Call names of your Pyrs: ______________________________________
Have you bred Pyrs? Yes__ No__ Do you plan to? Yes__ No__
Have you trained Pyrs? Yes__ No__ Shown Pyrs? Yes__ No__
What are your interests in Great Pyrenees?_____________________
Please list other dog clubs of which you are, or have been, a
member: _______________________________________________________
I will abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Penn-Dutch
Great Pyrenees Club and the rules and regulations of the
American Kennel Club. I am not under suspension by either the
American Kennel Club or the Great Pyrenees Club of America.
(signature) _______________________________________
Please __FULL MEMBER- $18.00 (Active in Southeastern PA Pyrs)
Check __ASSOCIATE MEMBER- $11.00 (Informational, non-voting)
One: __JUNIOR ASSOCIATE MEMBER- $2.00 (10 - 16 years old)
Age (of Jr. memb.): _____
Please send this application, along with your dues check in the
appropriate amount made out to the Penn-Dutch Great Pyrenees
Club, to: David Kintsfather, 239 E. Weiss St., Topton, PA 19562.
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