Welcome to
Penny Pyrbred's
Web Page

Click on EVENTS below for a calendar of Pyr and dog events for 2013. Club evnts will be posted after Annual Meeting, 10 March.

Hi. I'm Penny, a Great Pyrenees (Pyrenean Mountain Dog for our European visitors) bitch (as in female canine, no reflection on my charming personality) from the Pennsylvania Dutch (German) region of southeastern Pennsylvania, USA.

While this HTML stuff isn't easy without opposable thumbs, it's my pleasure to share news, information and gossip with Cyber Pyrs and their people. Visitors in a hurry can click on one of the (slightly muddy) pawprints below corresponding to the topic they wish to view. For additional information about Pyrs and their people, visit the Penn-Dutch Great Pyrenees Club page.

Humor Photos Chat Lists Links Health Training Events Rescue


A variety of humorous articles by Penn-Dutch Pyrs (with a little help from their people).

Around Dutchland, Penny's column in the Penn-Dutch Great Pyrenees Club newsletter
My Life as a Rescue Dog, a 1st Pyrson account by Clondike Kintsfather
My Life as a Rescue Dog--Continued, a 1st Pyrson account by Abigail Kintsfather
Clonderella & the Evil Stepbitches, a Pyrenean Fairy Tale


Photos of a variety of Pyrs and their people will be featured here. All photos are by David Kintsfather unless otherwise specified.

Great Pyrenees Club of America (GPCA) and other Pyr Events
Pyrs Just Want to Have Fun

Chat Lists

A variety of Internet chat lists have been launched for Pyrs and their people. Instructions for joining some of Penny's favorites are shown below.

  • PyrNet-L. E-mail esquire@pyrnet.org with the following command in the BODY of the message: SUBSCRIBE PYRNET-L. Do NOT put your name in the message!

  • Pyr-L. E-mail listserv@apple.ease.lsoft.com with the following command in the BODY of the message: SUBSCRIBE PYR-L yourfirstname yourlastname.

  • Great Pyrenees Discussion List. For more information and instructions on joining, click here.

  • Pyrspectives. For more information and instructions on joining, click here.

  • Links

    There are now many Pyr-related pages on the World Wide Web. Some of Penny's favorites can be visited from here.

    National Pyr Clubs
    US Regional Pyr Clubs
    Other Great Breed-Related Information
    General Dog-Related Information

    More to Come

    Check back soon for more photos, articles and links to neat Pyr information.
    Penny would love to hear from Pyrs and their people. E-mail: Penny@pyrbred.org.

    According to Web-Counter you are visitor number
    This page is maintained by David Kintsfather. Send comments to: david@pyrbred.org

    All material on Penny's pages may be reproduced electronically or otherwise, as long as it is for non-commercial use and credit is given to the original author/photographer and this Web Page.

    Established: March 13, 1996
    Last Modified: Feb. 7, 2013

    Top of Page Humor Photos Chat Links Health Training Events Rescue Penn-Dutch