Information About
Training and Behavior


A Failure to Communicate (with your Pyr) by Cathryn Lundberg
Introducing the New Dog by Catherine de la Cruz, GPCC Rescue

The Wit and Wisdom of Jane Gill, GPCA Obedience Chair
Team Rescue
Working Obedience into Everyday Life
Getting (and keeping) Pyr Attention
Pyrs Won't Come When Called?
Getting the Most from a Match
Are Pyrs Pancakes? Or, Should We Flip Our Dogs?
That Quality of Stillness
Match Vocabulary
On Dominance & Obedience
Correcting Mistakes
Helping your Rescue Dog to Adjust


Some Great Links to Information on Training and Behavior from the GPC of California.

Alpha Boot Camp by Vicki Rodenberg De Gruy
Breaking up a Dog Fight by Linda Weisser
Socializing Your Puppy by Catherine de la Cruz
The Cold Turkey 30-Minute Down-Stay by Janice Frasche'

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