by Cody Jones
My secretary (Gail, who likes to think she's the boss) and I have been working hard in the air-conditioned comfort of the computer room for the last few weeks. What a relief! You just wouldn't believe how hot it can get down here in Australia. I thought some silly person said hot air rises, so why isn't it hot up there? Earlier this month the temperature reached 42 degrees--Celsius that is (105 degrees F)! Far too hot for us two girls. We would rather be with you guys in the snow. The boss comes from pommy land (England) so she likes the cold.
Allow me to tell you a bit about myself. My real name is "Despreaux Sweet Desire" but my mates call me "Cody." I was born on January 18th, 1994 on the east coast of Australia in a place called Wyong, about 2 hours' drive north of Sydney in New South Wales. My mum was a beautiful white blaireau lady called "Despreaux Chanaie." She was of mixed UK and Canadian lines, being by CH "Pyrwest Destiny de Despreaux" (Can) out of "Despreaux Misty," who was by the UK import "Kington the Emperor" (UK). My dad was most impressive. He was called "Despreaux Beau Jeste" and was by "Shanlimore Delectable of Kington" (UK) who in turn was from a litter produced by two English Champions, so I figure my bloodlines are not too bad.
The boss bought me sight unseen, although she had flown over and looked at my parents before I was born. The Pyr who educated my boss in the mysterious ways of the Pyr (long before I was born) had gone to Pyr heaven at the tender age of 13, not a bad innings, I guess. So I was to fill "Bunny's" shoes--what a mission I ask you: she was twice as fat as me!! Well, I'll try anything once.
My breeder, Faye Cartledge, drove me to Sydney Airport and I met this nice man who my new boss trained racehorses for. Ted Callow was to escort me to Perth. Ted had been performing crowd control duties for me whilst I had been holding court for all my adoring subjects who had flocked in droves to the airport just to see me. I have never seen so many swooning people, or even just people. Well, you can imagine how affronted I was when I found out I had to go in the cargo hold, but worse horror of horrors, as "unaccompanied baggage," did I hear the man say? Moi!!! Surely not--how undignified!
Well, I am never flying again. The cabin crew never made it down once with dinner or drinkies. It was around midnight when Ted and I arrived in Perth and--you wouldn't believe it--they must have known I was coming, 'cause more of my fans were there waiting just to catch a glimpse of me or steal a touch. My new mum was there to greet me. I think she liked me a whole lot straight away, but you would, wouldn't you? We had to get in the car and my mum had another big man with her. I found out later he was my new dad (Alan) and he's a vet, so that's handy having the Doc living in. I'm even on his Internet page at, only 'cause my boss snuck me in there when he wasn't looking. He really is owned by my friend the black poodle "Whitney"--what a gromit she is. Into everything, but that's another tale.
We were in the car for two and a half hours and I was so tired I just slept on Gail's lap all the way home. Over seven and a half hours traveling is a lot when you are only twelve weeks old.
I settled in really quickly with my new family. There was a little Balinese kitten the same age as me called "Boots" (click here for photos). We cobbered up straight away. She used to beat me up, but when I had enough I used to fix her--I'd sit on her! Weight has its advantages, you know. The boss was a race horse trainer in those days so there was always plenty going on around the place. I had a big fenced in area under a pergola right outside the back door, so I could be involved in everything (click here for photos). I started going to dog obedience classes when I was 16 weeks old, but I didn't concentrate much. Somehow I scraped through kindy exams--just! Lenient examiner was my guess. Alan thinks I am really dumb, but he's only a vet--what would he know? The boss has had a Pyr before so she's a little bit aware of our Pyr traits. How we Pyrs ignore commands we don't want to hear.
Which reminds me of the day when I was a puppy and the boss was putting the washing on the line. Well, the clothesline is near the horse swimming pool. The boss was hanging out the clothes and I was helping, when I decided to go further afield and explore. The boss called me when I had only gone about four steps away, and I just looked at her over my shoulder and kept walking in the opposite direction. The boss came after me, so I hurried on my way not looking where I was going and fell head first in the horse pool. Down I went for what felt like forever. I couldn't swim. I was terrified. I just made it to the surface and down I went again. My coat full of water was pulling me under. Thank heavens the boss was right there and jumped in and grabbed me before I drowned. I was shaking, and shocked at my near demise. So was the boss. She hugged me so tight and took me inside and bathed me in warm water and dried me with the hair dryer. I don't go near that pool any more--but it never made me more attentive to what I was being asked to do. I just do things my way!
Catch you later, Cobbers.