Review basics of 3 point and base lighting.
Discuss instruments and accessories.
In addition to providing a picture, light can provide:
l. space orientation
2. tactile orientation
3. time orientation
Lights can be manipulated in 3 ways:
l. chiaroscuro- emphasizes contrast of light and dark areas (high contrast, fast falloff). Usually light appears to come from a single source (window, candle, etc.)
3 types are:
2. Notan or Flat lighting- limbo is a type of this, portrait lighting is also notan.
3. Lights as objects- Very powerful if not over used.
Color can add power. Gels can be used for color effects as well as color correction, but make sure you white balance on WHITE light.
A quick way to get a slight tint to an image is by cheating a white balance. White balancing on a light blue (cyan) paper will give a slight shift toward magenta--the "rose colored glasses" effect. White balancing on a yellow paper will give a slight blue shift making the image "cooler."
Review sources:
l. Music
2. SFX
3. Voice (sync and VO)
In normal practice audio sometimes dominates and sometimes video is dominant. Seek to avoid conflicting messages.
Understand and use both source connected and source disconnected sounds.
Sound bridges can be effective.