Welcome to the TVR 365/510/511 Web Page

Video Production Workshops

Bookmark this page and check it frequently!

NOTE: Update to Special Issues for Summer, 2010 under Electronic Resources below.

Recommended Schedule for TVR 365/511
12 July, FCP Tutorial (parts 1 &2).
15 July, Pottsgrove NL Feature (or 1st NL project for TVR 511).
21 July, Jazz NL Promo (TVR 365) & Motion Tutorial #1.
26 July, Motion Tutorial #2 & Brewery NL Adv. Feature.
29 July, TVR 511 Visualization Projects.
2 August, Motion Title Sequence, Multi-Clip NL project and all projects outstanding.

NOTE: NO re-submissions will be accepted after 10:20 pm on TUESDAY, 3 August.

ALL work MUST be submitted by 10:20 pm on WEDNESDAY, 4 August in order to be graded.

There will be a multiple-choice exam tailored to the content of each class on Thursday, 5 August.
Study class notes, the text, and all operation manuals.

Here you will find class handouts and other resources to help you with these courses. If you have any questions, please e-mail Dr. Kintsfather at kintsfat@kutztown.edu.


TVR 365-
  • TVR 365/511 Final Cut Pro Tutorial Assignment (Complete this tutorial and read pp. 168-194 in the text
    prior to attempting any of the non-linear projects!)

  • TVR 365/511 Motion Tutorial Assignment
  • Motion Title Sequence Assignment

  • TVR 365/511 Non-linear Feature Assignment
    Outline for Non-linear Feature Assignment
    Evaluation Form
  • TVR 365/511 Non-linear Promo Assignment
    Evaluation Form
  • TVR 365/511 Advanced Non-linear Feature Assignment
    Evaluation Form
  • TVR 365/511 Non-linear Multi-Clip Feature Assignment
    Evaluation Form

    TVR 510-
  • TVR 510 Studio Practice Lab
  • TVR 510 Objectives Assignment
  • TVR 510 Studio Production Assignment
  • TVR 510 Field/NLE Assignment

    TVR 511-
  • TVR 365/511 FCP Tutorial Assignment (Complete this tutorial and read pp. 168-194 in the text
    prior to attempting any of the non-linear projects!)

  • TVR 365/511 Motion Tutorial Assignment
  • Motion Title Sequence Assignment

  • TVR 511 Visualization Assignment
    Evaluation Form
  • TVR 365/511 Non-linear Multi-Clip Feature Assignment
    Evaluation Form

    And 1 of the following:
  • TVR 365/511 Non-linear Promo Assignment
    Evaluation Form
  • TVR 365/511 Advanced Non-linear Feature Assignment
    Evaluation Form

    All Classes-
  • TVR 365/510/511 Group Project Assignment

    Electronic Resources

  • Course syllabus
  • Special Issues for Summer, 2010 7/13

  • TVR 365 Interactive Exam Study Guide
  • TVR 510 Interactive Exam Study Guide
  • TVR 511 Interactive Exam Study Guide

  • Hints for Shooting & Editing EFP video
  • Mac 101: An Introduction to the Mac Platform
  • Using the Final Cut Pro Editing Lab
  • Creating DVD Release Prints of Student Projects
  • DVD Creation and Care

  • Using MS Word to Format Scripts
  • Using the DVCPro AJ-D215P Camcorder

  • Operating the Hitachi Z-4000W Camera in Studio Mode
  • Crew Responsibilities
  • 3-Point Lighting in the TV Studio
  • Preparing the Video Treatment & Script
  • Using the Grass Valley Kayak Switcher
  • Using the Chyron Lyric CG
  • Using the WinCue LT Prompter

    Files Available for Downloading
  • Script Format "Templates"
  • Sample Scripts

  • P2 Camcorder Manuals downloadable in PDF format 7/11

    Class Notes

  • Unit #1, Video Field Production
  • Unit #2, Non-Linear Editing
  • Unit #3, Scripting the Narrative Video
  • Unit #4, Using Objectives to Organize a Video Production
  • Unit #5, Editing Theory
  • Unit #6, Field Lighting and Audio

    NOTE: TVR 510 students should review class notes for TVR 055 for all units except Unit#4 above. These notes can be found at: http://www.pyrbred.org/tvr/tvr055.html

    These courses are offered in the Department of Electronic Media at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Kutztown, PA 19530.

    All material on these pages is © 2010 by Dr. David Kintsfather. Students enrolled in the courses may print out hard copies for their individual use. All other duplication or distribution is prohibited without prior consent.