TVR 365/511 ADVANCED Non-Linear Feature Evaluation form

Name:________________________________________               Section:___________

Item                 Value    Deductions                Comments               

Tech Quality of DVD     10       ____       ___________________________________

                                             __ <1 sec black at open
                                             __ <1 sec black at close
                                             __ menu incorrect
                                             __ disk does not play

Video Editing           20       ____       ___________________________________


                                             __ Title hard to read
                                             __ Jump dissolve
                                             __ Jump cut
                                             __ Screen direction changes

Time Compression        20       ____       ___________________________________

Audio Editing           20       ____       ___________________________________


                                             __ Different audio in L & R chs.
                                             __ Poor mix between voice & music
                                             __ Levels uneven
                                             __ Levels overall high or low

Aesthetic Quality       20       ____       ___________________________________


Knowledge Shown         10       ____       ___________________________________

    Total Deductions             ____                       Total Points   ____

Students wishing to improve their grades may re-edit the project and re-submit it WITH this evaluation form anytime up to the next to the last day of classes. The project will be re-evaluated and the higher grade will be recorded.

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