Video Workshops, Special Issues, Summer, 2010

Networked Mac Computers

1. All Power Macs connected to the Electronic Media Network should be left powered ON at all times. When using one, log on with your assigned user name and password. When done, click on the Apple icon in the upper left corner of the screen and select Log Out rather than Shut Down.

2. Remember that Workstation #6 in the Mac Lab is NOT connected to the video server, so should not be used for projects you have shot. If using it for "canned" projects, be sure to set your Scratch Drive to your home directory on the Ethernet network (house icon).

3. If you try to log on to a networked Mac and the screen grays out and nothing else happens, perform the following fix:

a. Press gently on the power button on the Mac's tower and hold until the light above the button goes out (usually about 10 seconds).

b. Wait at least 20 seconds and then press the power button briefly to power up the unit.

c. Log in using the USER NAME loginfix (lower case), and the PASSWORD fix (lower case).

d. The computer should boot normally with apropriate hard drive icons in the upper right. Click on the Apple icon in the upper left of the screen and select Log Out.

e. When the computer completes the log out sequence and presents you with a new log in screen, log in normally, using YOUR user name and password.

f. Remember to log out rather than shutting down when you are through using the computer.

Motion Tutorial

1. Since we are using a newer version of Motion than the tutorial is based upon, several terms may be different.

2. You will probably not be able to see the yellow alignment lines mentioned in the tutorial. Just align objects by eye.

3. When doing the Intro Motion tutorial, use the files in the Media Library labeled "NEW 4 Text" and "NEW eXtreme Living Text." These files were created to work better with Motion 3.

4. When doing the Mastering Motion tutorial, the Basic 3D filter is no longer present in the library of filters. Find it in the media folder for this project where it is called "Basic 3D for XL reveal_NTSC."

TVR 511 Assignments

1. TVR 511 students who are recent graduates of the KU Electronic Media program need not repeat any "canned" assignments they completed in TVR 365. Consult the instructor about substitute assignments.

2. Exceptions to #1 are the following:

a. Even if you produced a Motion title sequence in TVR 365, Motion is such a complex program that you can learn more by doing a more elaborate sequence for TVR 511.

b. If you took TVR 365 before we introduced the Multiclip project titled "Sax Solo," or if you feel you need a refresher on the Multiclip feature of FCP, you should complete this project.

c. All TVR 511 students must complete the Visualization Project and assist with the Group Project.

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