TVR 365/510/511 Syllabus, Summer II, 2010

Dr. Kintsfather
Office: Rickenbach 205
Phone: 610-683-4497/4492 (secretary)

Class Web Page: (all lower case)

Hours: by arrangement

TVR 365, Video Post-Production
TVR 510, Video Production Workshop
TVR 511, Advanced Video Production Workshop

Course Goals:

TVR 365- Students will improve their single-camera production skills and will produce a variety of video projects using advanced video and audio post-production techniques. The emphasis will be on non-linear video and audio editing.

TVR 510- The student will be introduced to behavioral objectives as a means of organizing a video program. He/she should be able to determine when video is appropriate, plan a video program to achieve an established goal, and produce this program using simple studio and portable equipment.

TVR 511- The student will refine his/her single-camera production skills and be introduced to non-linear editing techniques. Emphasis will be placed on narrative video.

Required Text: The Focal Easy Guide to Final Cut 6 by Rick Young

Recommended Text: Introduction to Video Production: Studio, Field, and Beyond by Compesi & Gomez

Recommended Reading:

TVR 510- Preparing Instructional Objectives by Robert Mager
TVR 365/511- Sight-Sound-Motion by Herbert Zettl

Required Materials: At least three DVD-R disks.

Course Evaluation: The course grade will be based upon the following-

TVR 365- Final Cut Pro Tutorial 5% Motion Tutorial 15% Motion Title Sequence 10% 3 non-linear projs. 30% FCP Multi-Clip Project 10% Group project 20% Final exam 10%
TVR 510- Objectives/treatment 10% Studio project 30% Field project or 2 non-linear projs. 30% Group project 20% Final exam 10%
TVR 511- Visualization lab 10% Final Cut Pro Tutorial 5% Motion Tutorial 15% Motion Title Sequence 10% 2 non-linear projs. or equiv. 20% FCP Multi-Clip Project 10% Group project 20% Final exam 10%
NOTE: Tutorials will be graded from the computer files with the grade being determined by the extent to which the student has made a good faith effort to complete the lessons.

ALL other projects, whether originating on computer or tape, must be submitted on DVDs and only the content of the DVD submitted will be graded. In no case will projects other than tutorials be graded from tape or computer files. A standard DVD player and CRT monitor are provided in room G-31. It is strongly recommended that you preview your DVDs on this system to insure that both your audio and video are correct before submitting your projects for grading.

Due Dates: The viewing days in this syllabus represent suggested due dates and should help you pace yourself. There are, however, no late penalties assessed if you miss these dates. The instructor will evaluate and return projects as quickly as possible and all projects may be re-edited and re-submitted no later than 3 Aug. for re-evaluation with no grade penalty. Barring unusual circumstances such as severe illness, no work will be accepted after 4 Aug.

Tentative Course Schedule and Assignments:


July 6 6:30-10:20, Course intro., Single-camera production, Scripting the narrative video (ALL) 7 6:30-10:20, Non-linear editing (ALL) 8 6:30-10:20, Studio Lab (510, 511), Editing lab (365) *9 6:30-10:20, Editing lab (365, 511), [*Friday Class]
July 12 6:30-8:00, Editing theory (ALL) 8:15-10:20, Cut editing demo. (510, 511), Studio orientation (510), Editing lab (365, 511) 13 6:30-10:20, Objectives, Scripts and Treatments (510), Editing lab (365, 511) 14 6:30-10:20, Switcher, Graphics, CG & prompter demos., discuss studio project (510) 15 6:30-8:00, View and critique non-linear projects (365/511) 8:15-10:20, Lab (ALL)
July 19 6:30-8:15, Field lighting & audio (511) 8:30-10:20, Studio lighting and audio (510) 20 6:30-8:00, Plan group project (ALL) 8:15-10:20, Script group project (510, 511) 21 6:30-8:00, View and critique non-linear projects (365/511) 8:15-10:20, Site survey, audio and props preparation (365/511) 8:15-10:20, Production conferences, 510 treatments due, (510) 22 6:30-10:20, Editing lab (365/511)
July 26 6:30-10:20, Shoot group project (ALL) 27 6:30-10:20, Shoot group project (ALL) 28 6:30-10:20, Shoot studio projects (510 & crew as needed) 29 6:30-10:20, Shoot studio projects (510 & crew as needed)
Aug. 2 6:30-7:30, View and critique non-linear & Motion projects (365/511) 7:30-8:30, View and critique visualization projects (511) 3 6:30-10:20, Edit group project (ALL), DEADLINE for ALL Re-submissions 4 6:30-10:20, Edit group project (ALL), DEADLINE for ALL Projects 5 6:30-7:30, Final exam (ALL) 7:30-10:20, View and critique projects (ALL)

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