by Penny Pyrbred
The Penn-Dutch Holiday Party was a super fun event for both Pyrs and their people. This year's event began with a nature walk which turned into more of a "nature amble" due to the warm temperatures and misting rain. A number of Pyrs ranging in age from 6 months to 11 years participated, turning a lot of heads in passing cars.
The walk was followed by a Clicker Training Workshop conducted by Dominique Schnall, introducing Club members and Pyrs to this technique. You should have seen the Pyrs trying to figure out how to get their paws on the clicker to train the people! Strider Wool-Lewis proved an able subject and entertained the crowd. The people were at least getting some physical conditioning which should improve their TV channel changing techniques.
Then came the wonderful potluck luncheon which, true to Penn-Dutch tradition, featured a great variety of tasty treats for people and Pyrs alike.
The day ended with another Penn-Dutch tradition, the Chinese gift exchange. If written down, the rules for this event would exceed the length of the Club's constitution and bylaws! Many neat gifts were exchanged and the Pyrs carefully monitored the event to ensure strict adherence to the rules. Clondike Kintsfather and Lillie Edinger were especially helpful in checking each package to make sure it was safe to be opened. The phrase, "Should I take the little, heavy one or the big, jiggly one?" will live long in the annals of this event and the Unger family.
Among those present were: Ed and Jean Bankowski with Blizzard, Joe Bezotsky, David and Bobby Blackwell, Barbara Bowes with Rescue Pyr Tasha, Karl and Ann Edinger with Lillie, Jane Gill with Weezie, Ben and Kathy Gress with Brutus and Caela, Gail and Ethel Hillard, David and Nancy Kintsfather with Clondike, Bonnie and Dave Kozemchak with Moira, Joe, Joe Jr. and Patti Lamoureaux with Rupert, Annette and Jay Manwiller with Claudia and Woody, Diane Murray with Odin and Maggie, Kathy and Stan Setlock with Klondike, Dave, Maureen and Dylan Simon with Samantha and Niki, Fred and Stephanie Unger with Chelsea and Tristan, Jack and Anita Witt with Cheli' and a Newf named Mandy and Rouven and Kristen Wool-Lewis with Strider.
It was good to see Ms. Clondike sporting a new "puppy coat" of curly fur as her thyroid medicine kicks in. She still thinks she is the Penn-Dutch Queen Bitch, although Weezie Gill expressed some desires to move into that role herself.
A wonderful time was had by all and it was a great way to kick off the winter holiday season (click here for photos).
The next weekend brought the twin shows at Stabler Field House in Bethlehem, PA. On Saturday Bailey Cillo (Rivergrove Bailey's Irish Cream) took Winners Bitch and Best of Winners while Cory Siegfried-Champion (CH Maranatha Cormoryn O'Brygyn) took the breed and placed 4th in Group. On Sunday Woody Simon (CH Rivergrove Whitehope Woodsman) took the breed and also placed 4th in Group. It is great to see such beautiful and handsome Penn-Dutch Pyrs gaining recognition in the show ring!
The next big Club event is the Penn-Dutch Booth at the Canine Learning Experience. For members who haven't experienced this, it is sort of a combination of a fun match and a trade show for dog fanatics. Dogs are MOST welcome, so pack up your Pyrs and come on out to the Ag Hall at the Allentown Fairgrounds anytime between 9 am and 4 pm on Saturday, January 30, 1999 and let's educate the public at large about this special breed. If you are free to help set up the booth (usually Friday night) or need directions or other information, please call Karl Edinger at 610-253-4618.
See you next year.
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