Around Dutchland, February, 2002

by Penny Pyrbred

Wow! It seems like just yesterday the people were worrying about whether their toaster ovens were Y2K compliant and now it is already 2002. A belated Happy New Year to all.

The Holiday Party at the Leesport Farmers' Market was very successful and Penny got to meet the beautiful Winnie Scarborough. She's going to be breaking a few hearts when she's a little older.

Speaking of Party Animals, that Christy Skorup has sure been getting around. Even while undergoing chemotherapy, she managed to attend the Penn-Dutch Holiday Party, her therapy group's Christmas Party, and in January she was gracious enough to invite Abigail Kintsfather (AKA the Fuzzy Terrorist) to visit in the hope that her rambunctious baby brother, Merlin, could teach her how to play.

Merlin Skorup (L) coaches Abigail Kintsfather.

While Merlin tried, it was his mom, Judy Skorup, who really got Abigail wound up and romping around Christy's play pen. Abigail refrained from taking an inch off the end of Merlin's nose (something she considered when he got too playful), and let the resident cat live, so it was a successful visit.

Christy and Judy Skorup share some quality time.

While playing is a good thing and Penny hopes Abigail gets the hang of it soon, Jane and John Gill's new boy, Billy Bud (a litter brother of Merlin Skorup) overdid it a bit and had to have some knee surgery. Penny understands he is recuperating nicely and looks forward to meeting him at a future Penn-Dutch function.

Brutus Gress makes new friends at the CLE.

The Penn-Dutch people and their Pyrs did their usual fine performance in educating the public at the Lehigh Valley Kennel Club's Canine Learning Experience. We had Pyrs of all ages and sizes meeting and greeting an adoring public. Fred Unger gave a Pyr trivia quiz for members which Patti Bechtel won.

The next big event is the Annual Meeting, which is, alas, restricted to people only (although exceptions HAVE been made in the past--call Stephanie Unger if you have a compelling reason to bring a Pyr). Penny encourages all the Penn-Dutchies to come out, elect new officers, and help the Board plan a year full of fun activities for us Pyrs! There is a covered dish lunch, so bring something tasty that Chelsea and Tristan Unger (the resident Pyrs) will enjoy while they are keeping everyone in line.

The events planned at this meeting will be promoted in the April issue of the Pyr-A-Scoop and Penny hopes to see lots of Penn-Dutchies and their Pyrs at all of these activities.

See you soon!

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