Around Dutchland, December 1997

by Penny Pyrbred

Blimey, Chums. We've got a new foreign correspondent! Welcome Sasha Denyer who will be providing us with the "Pyrspective from across the Pond" (England, specifically). For Cody's many fans, don't worry, she's a little busy right now moving the folks into new digs, but she has promised a new Australian Pyrspective soon.

Since the Christmas issue seems to have become the New Year's issue this year, Penny can present the report on the Holiday Party. The day turned out beautifully sunny, but cold for the humans--just right for us Pyrs. Gail Hillard led a hardy band on a stimulating walk through the Lancaster County Park prior to Penny's arrival. It was so stimulating that Klondike Setlock had to go home and rest. Rupert Lamoureaux, Brutus Gress and several other hikers stayed on for the festivities.

The party took place in an old barn that has been converted to an up-scale nature museum. The rules at the new location are still in flux and Pyrs were supposed to remain outside on the "porch" area during the party, although a special arrangement was negotiated for Weezie Gill (click here for photos) to come in since she is so young (and cute). Penny managed to sneak in unnoticed, and that pushy Clondike Kintsfather just barged right in! This led to a sufficient Pyr contingent to keep the people from going completely crazy (no strippers this year), but more Pyrticipation in the future is definitely needed!!

Following a tasty meal that did NOT end up in Clondike (they left her out on the porch for the lunch portion of the festivities), people and some Pyrs repaired upstairs for the Chinese gift exchange. Clondike helped check out each gift while Weezie provided the entertainment (click here for photos).

December 13 and 14 brought the Delaware Water Gap and Lehigh Valley KC shows at Lehigh University's Stabler Fieldhouse. A number of Penn-Dutchies showed up and Chelsea Bowes got her first point by taking Winners Bitch on Saturday. The standout at both shows, however, was Gimlet Justin (CH Pyrless Prime Time) who took the breed both days, took a Group 1st on Saturday and a Group 2nd on Sunday. This was a fitting end to an illustrious show career during which Gimlet earned a record number of breed points. Gimlet and his entourage hosted a classy champagne retirement party after breed on Sunday (Gimlet had to go easy on the champagne because he had to go back in Group) (click here for photos).

Lots of Penn-Dutch Pyrs seem to be serving as therapy dogs these days and Penny heartily approves. Veteran TheraPyrs Lillie Edinger and Brutus Gress have been joined by Clondike Kintsfather and Gunner Migas (see article in this issue). Kathy Gress was recently written up in "Women to Watch" for her innovative use of animals (including the hunky Mr. Brutus) in her private practice as a psychotherapist and in her capacity as Outpatient Clinical Coordinator at St. Luke's Institute for Behavioral Health in Bethlehem. Way to go, folks.

Penny hopes to see lots of Penn-Dutch people and Pyrs at the Canine Learning Experience, Saturday, January 24th from 9-5 at the Ag Hall, Allentown Fair Grounds. It's great fun and a chance for us Pyrs to meet lots of other dogs. See you soon.

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