Gimlet Justin Retires

At the Lehigh Valley Kennel Club Show held December 14, 1997 at Lehigh University's Stabler Field House, Karen Justin's Gimlet (CH Pyrless Prime Time) retired from active showing by taking the breed and a Group second. He retires holding the record for the most breed points of any US Pyr.

Penny suspects there are a lot of show dogs out there of all breeds who will not be sorry to see this guy retire! We hope he will still make apPyrances in Veterans class from time-to-time, but we will miss seeing this magnificent showman out there every weekend representing our breed.

Gimlet makes one last circuit around the ring as he looks forward to retirement.

Karen Justin (right) and breeder, Valerie Seeley (center), host a retirement party.
Gimlet (in crate at left) makes sure the champagne is appropriate to the occasion.

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