Memories of Jolie
(Renaissance Jolie Rebelle, 1968-1980)
Clondike Kintsfather owes Jolie a lot for being diligent with
that very important early training humans need.
"Do I REALLY have to wear this, Mom?"
Here Jolie guards Oxford, MS.
While Penny isn't anywhere near old enough to have known Jolie Kintsfather, she sees the evidence of Jolie's effective training in the manner in which Clondike is treated today. For some mysterious reason humans usually live longer than Pyrs, and it is not uncommon for one human family to be owned by a succession of Pyrs. The first Pyr (or Pyrs) to own a family has a special responsibility to set the ground rules for human-Pyr interaction, and build a strong foundation for all future Pyrs which may follow. Jolie Kintsfather understood this principle and set an example for others to follow.
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